Leadership Team
Church Leadership

Michael Hammonds
Senior Pastor
Pastor Mike (wife Sandra) has been in the ministry all of his adult life. He is a graduate of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana. He has been married to Sandra for 37 years. God has blessed him and Sandra with 3 children and 6 grandchildren. He has been Senior Pastor of our church for 6 years.

Rick Ryon
Chairman of Deacons
Bro. Rick is the leader of our Deacon Ministry Team. The Deacon Body helps the Pastor oversee the ministry aspects of our church. Rick is married to Terri. He is employed with Reynolds Construction Company in Nashville.

Terri Ryon
Sunday School Director
Sunday School is our primary small group experience. There is a class for every age group. Terri Ryon oversees the recruitment and training of all Sunday School teachers and workers and leads in the weekly function of the ministry. The Sunday School Small Groups meet every Sunday Morning at 10:00 in rooms scattered throughout our building, unless advertised differently on the events page. We invite you to enter through the main entrance of the church and we will make sure that you and your family will get to the right place.
Terri is married to Rick. Terri is a retired speech therapist.

Sandra Hammonds
Children's Coordinator, Prayer Coordinator, Visual & Sound Technician
Sandra is our children’s coordinator. The church has a very active children’s ministry. Sandra oversees our children’s activities and ministries throughout the year.
During worship services, Sandra oversees our sound and visual aspects of the service.
Sandra is married to Pastor Mike. She has her hands full taking care of him. She is the mother of three and grandmother of six.

Tasha Daniel
Vacation Bible School Director; Nursery & Children's Church Coordinator
During the church’s worship services, a nursery is provided for babies and toddlers. During our morning worship service, a children’s church is also provided for our elementary students. Tasha Daniel is the coordinator of these ministries. She makes sure that all of our workers are qualified and have passed a background check before utilizing anyone in this very important ministry.
Tasha is also our Vacation Bible School Director. This week-long event usually takes place during the Summer months. This program is where children gather for a time of Bible Study, recreation, refreshments, and fun. The dates of this event will be posted on our Events Page when it is set.
Tasha is married to Barry and is the mother of 3 children. She is employed at the Sunbright School.

Shasta Brown
Youth Coordinator
Shasta Brown is our Youth Coordinator. We have a very active youth program and Shasta, with the aid of our Youth Committee, coordinates that youth calendar. The Youth Committee seeks to balance the calendar with not only fun and games, but also ministry and service activities. Shasta also makes sure that anyone working within our youth ministry has passed a background check and is qualified to safely lead our students.
Shasta is married to Eric and has two children. Shasta is a Registered Nurse and works at Diversicare.

Barry Daniel
Church Treasurer; Deacon
Barry Daniel is the church Treasurer. He oversees the receiving and disbursements of church funds. As the church treasurer, he is also the chair of our Stewardship/Finance Committee. This committee is responsible for recommending budget items to the church body.
Barry is also a Church Deacon and is involved in many ministry projects. He is also a Church Trustee.
Barry works for the National Lab in Oak Ridge. He is married to Tasha and is the Father of 3 children.

Patrice Brown
Pat, as most of us call her, is our church pianist. She leads us in all of our worship services.
Pat is married to Mike Brown and is a proud mother and grandmother. She is employed at Highland Communications in Sunbright.

Jimmy Jones
Jimmy is one of our guitarists during Worship Services. Jimmy also leads in special music during many of our worship service.
He is married to Julie and is a father of one. He is employed as an IT specialist with Covenant Health Hospitals.

Ronald Davis
Trustee Chairman
Ronald Davis is the chair of our Church Trustees; The Trustees oversee the upkeep and maintenance of the church buildings and properties. The Trustees also handle the legal issues concerning the church.
Ron is married to Kathy. He is retired Navy.

Don Edwards
Senior Adult Coordinator; Deacon
Don Edwards is the church Senior Adult Coordinator. Don is an ordained minister as well as a Deacon in the church. We have active senior adults within the church body. They meet regularly for Bible Study, fellowship and food and take trips together. Please contact Don for more information.
Don is married to Donita.

Mandi Hooper
Jail Ministry Coordinator
Mandi leads us in our ladies’ Morgan County Jail Ministry.
Mandy is married to Eddie and is a proud mother and grandmother.

Casey Olmstead
Casey is Responsible for keeping our facilities ready for use for each of the gatherings.
Casey is married to Tommy and a mother of two.

Jan Saunders
Worship Music Coordinator, Women on Mission Coordinator
Our Worship Services are led by a Worship/Praise Band. Jan coordinates with the Pastor in selecting appropriate music to enhance the Worship Experience. Jan then works to make sure the Weekly Worship Team knows the music for the service.
Jan Saunders coordinates our Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) efforts. The WMU educates and leads the church in mission causes.

David Starr
Men's Ministry Coordinator
David Starr leads our men’s ministry efforts. The men meet at a monthly men’s prayer breakfast for prayer, Bible Study, fellowship, and planning of various ministry projects that our men participate.
David is married to Karen.

Bridgett Bunch
Nominating Committee Chair
Bridgett is the chair of the Church Nominating Committee. Bridgett coordinates and, along with the Nominating Committee, recommends all volunteer ministry leaders to the church body.
Bridgett is married to Robby and is a proud mom and grandmother. She is employed by the Access Program in Jamestown.